Welcome to Adnan’s Random Ruminations

One of the downsides of leaving university is the lack of opportunity to synthesize pieces of writing longer than ~500 words. Writing is something I enjoy doing, the whole process from receiving/deciding on a prompt, to planning to writing to editing is one that never got lost on me. To that end I wanted to have a space to continue to write and become a better writer.

The actual content itself will probably vary massively. As the name suggests, my 'ruminations' will be random. However, what gets me thinking is often a book, article, or podcast I have come across and then from that the whole process starts.

What can you expect? Well hopefully a level of consistency in how often I put these things out. My initial aim is once a month but as with all things only time will tell what's the most appropriate schedule. On the content side I will probably be reflecting on a few key themes: democracy, my time at university (and more broadly my thoughts on education), insights from books I am reading, the impacts of the digital world and maybe very occasionally something about football.

Given I am constructing this as a space to hone my writing skills, an integral part is the feedback mechanism from you - the reader. The topics I am picking aren't just topics I am interested in, but topics I want to hear from other people about. A comment, like, retweet, share, or any other form of engagement would go a long way to helping in that endeavour.

With all that said, I am looking forward to seeing where this goes!

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A collection of insights on democracy, education, the internet and life.
